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We are what we pretend to be, so we must be very careful what we pretend to be.

                                                                           - Kurt Vonnegut


I wear many hats, but this site is about how I see my world through the lens of art. My perspective only. I am not here expounding on something as profound as the meaning of life. I'm just here to make sense as best as I can, and to describe what I find interesting through art, as I see fit.

With a background in psychology and art, I am interested in how people perceive their realities. In that vein, my artwork also epitomizes the incongruities that may go unrecognized at first glance.

© Susanna Raj. Use of any image without permission will result in copyright violation

An unique collection of artwork that borrows from surrealism, impressionism, and expressionism. Studio, Visual, Perceptual, Cognitive Science Art, SusannarajArt.. Surrealistic Impressionism

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