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Oriental Fish

Your memory is a monster; you forget-it doesn't. It simply files things away. It keeps things for you, or hides things from you--and summons them to your recall with will of its own. You think you have a memory; but it has you!

                                                                                                    -John Irving

Top Down Bottom Up Processing.jpg

Top Down Bottom Up Processing

Mixed Media: Acrylic, Pouring Medium, Beads, cut scraps of Black & White photographs.

Top Down Bottom Up Processing is a visual representation of Gregory (1970) and Gibson’s (1966) theory of Top Down and Bottom Up processing of information. The upside-down jars and the collection of black & white photographs of faces taken by me represent both forms of information processing. Smaller chunks for top-down & full faces for bottom-up, provide a crude but complete conceptualization of the two different competing theories of information processing.

© Susanna Raj. Use of any image without permission will result in copyright violation

An unique collection of artwork that borrows from surrealism, impressionism, and expressionism. Studio, Visual, Perceptual, Cognitive Science Art, SusannarajArt.. Surrealistic Impressionism

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